With almanis, expert teams dimension uncertainty and unlock alpha

ML-enhanced expert forecasts accurately identify consensus-changing information before the market absorbs it

almanis finds actionable intelligence up to 15 days ahead of alternative methods

To find the “wisdom of crowds” and gauge prevailing consensus -

The stampede that follows the first zebra is the prevailing market consensus, the market price, the survey result …

To find the "wisdom in crowds" almanis combines machine learning and human judgement -

This is the first person with consensus-changing information, akin to the first zebra that starts a stampede

almanis alternative-data and systematic trading

We trade US ETFs and FX pairs for system testing purposes. However, the almanis revenue model is a license fee based on our IP, client AUM and an alpha revenue share.

almanis performance is verified

almanis performance has been independently replicated on out-of-sample datasets from the DARPA-funded NG2S program. Read about it in our 2024 Journal of Financial Markets paper

almanis Hybrid signals in real-time

Corporate Performance - revenue, earnings & events


Geopolitics - elections & conflicts


Public Health - disease & epidemic tracking




Private signals on public markets like Kalshi or Polymarket


Corporate Performance - revenue, earnings & events | Geopolitics - elections & conflicts | Public Health - disease & epidemic tracking | Macroeconomics | Private signals on public markets like Kalshi or Polymarket |

All forecasts are in real-time and fully supported 24/7 by almanis with 99.99% up-time.

Find out about the almanis developer, Dysrupt Labs

Dysrupt Labs is a private company driving advanced forecasting and proprietary trading in asset and investment management. 

Established in 2008 by two Columbia alumni who as experienced bankers set out to improve forecasting of risk and geopolitics. They used basic and applied research, on their almanis forecasting platform, in field experiments lasting from 8 hours to 8 years for G7/G20 governments, commercial and academic institutions as well as major sports teams.

Dysrupt Labs is based in Melbourne, Australia, with its research partners, The Florey Institute of Neuroscience & Mental Health.

Join the expert team

Become a forecaster on almanis

Challenge yourself and earn financial rewards for performance.

At almanis by Dysrupt Labs, we pride ourselves on the quality of our 900-plus forecasters from a diverse group of competitive participants globally.

This team has a dedication to dimensioning early and accurate insight.

The top forecasters can earn GBP 5 figures per annum in macroeconomics/geopolitics/public health.

Free to forecast. Always.